There is so much that can be written about how God worked at CORE 2:15 this year! We prayed over what God wanted us to share with this end of the year letter. Here it is, bullet points for some and more details for others.
STUMPfest-Servants Tearing Up Ministry Projects work week (you’re not going to want to miss the video below)
Additional Physical Projects
Summer camps and specialty camps
Hosted two worship bonfire nights
Board of Directors, one stepped down, two stepped up, complete bylaw revision.
Snapshot 2024, big things coming!
Thank a thon, end of year ministering fundraiser.
Prayer needs
Quick Report
Wrap Up
For anyone new with us, get to know us a little more.
This event was just a shared idea last fall; that turned into a concerted effort to pull together volunteers and resources to physically progress camp. One week in May, brought dozens of volunteers to camp to work and pray over ministry.
The video below captures some of the accomplished work.
Video - One Voice One Story Video Ministries
(Josh Ratliff, videographer) A big thanks to Josh for capturing what God is doing at camp!! One week in May, brought dozens of volunteers and sponsors to camp to work, fund and pray over ministry.
It was really cool to see how God brought together all kinds of people. We prayed and God brought in the funding and the people. We were able to accomplish so much more together than we ever were able before. I loved that even in the work, we had devotion and prayer time together. Hard work and physical development is great. But we know that God values spiritual work much more. It’s beautiful how the hard work and spiritual work can go hand in hand and mean so much more, making a lasting memory. We were able to use the barn for rainy days, we were able to memorialize testimonies to the prayer garden, we were able to share solid Biblical truths in the glass house because of what happened that week in May.
The video below captures some of the accomplished work.
Video - One Voice One Story Video Ministries
Our first couple of years at camp has been cleaning and establishing it in its permanent location. 2023, marked the beginning of our 10 year building plan.
-Parking lot for camper pick up and drop off. The driveway is still in progress.
-Building renovations to the Activity Barn and Glasshouse: Both spaces got makeovers for safety and to create a more inviting atmosphere for our campers.
-Put in beautiful flower beds!
-Took out the old chicken coop and placed the fire pit there.
-Ran a new electrical line to the barn.
-Put the cross on the hill on Good Friday.
-Playground constructed for our younger campers and families.
-A Rock Prayer Garden. The rocks are available to write a prayer or record a moment of God’s working in your life. We have many rocks from camps sharing God's faithfulness.
-God provided a door that I had envisioned, but gave up on figuring it would cost too much or be to much work with what we had going on. But we got THE door significantly less than expected and envolved passionate people to install. With the door a brand new deck. We just need new flooring in the lobby area and a walk path leading to the deck for it to be beautifully finished! We are excited about this entrance because it’s a direct route to the only bathroom and puts you right next to the office.
All of these things to move us closer to the camp vision. It’s amazing to see this old farm turning into the dream God has for this town.
We got to bring camp to our church, Summit! We served around 80 children over 4 days. God’s hand was ever present throughout these camps. There were trials, there were celebrations. This year’s theme, “Identity Kids, was about our identity in Christ. God made us male and female, unique and special. We loved being able to teach these young ones God’s truth, and that God made no mistake when He made them. All have a purpose to play here on earth to further the message of the Gospel. A lot of the kids left my station saying “yea, yea, I know, we are made differently, uniquely and special for a purpose. Yea we got it.” And what a victory that is! I know that a lot of the kids that I walk by at church EVERY WEEK see me and some think she always told me, God made me, unique, special and with a purpose. Every person and child have significance and worth. It’s important that they know that God loves them enough to know them and purpose them.
Survival camps: We have loved this partnership that teaches children the value of the outdoors and the Bible. Two camps served around 20 survivalists. Each participant left with a Bible, survival skills and the message of the Gospel. Special thanks to the New Carlisle Fire Department for their role in one camp.
We have had tremendous feedback from parents on this camp, from the kids teaching their parents things they didn’t know, to hearing that their kids were in their new Bible’s the day after camp!
Summer camps: This summer’s theme centered around Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. I LOVE that this is what God lead us to teach on, it was so good I wanted to do it again this coming year! The overall message was to build our foundation on the Word of God. (“Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock:”
Matthew 7:24 NKJV).
Each group had appropriate sections for their age, as well as personalized games and activities. The things God taught were so special. For a rest period with our little kids, we read straight from the kids Bible and it brought up good questions that we loved answering. We got to celebrate with a girl her love and appreciation for being adopted and how God made that all happen. There was another moment of encouraging forgiveness and that led to a significant decision.
We romped in the swamp, we played polo with inflatable horses, we had THE BEST SKIT NIGHT EVER, did an amazing scavenger hunt, we danced with a shark, we cooked over a fire, we laughed, we looked at the stars, slip and slide, chapel in the woods, singing and stories. I can think of several moments where I remember God just smiling with us. It was a wonderful, God honoring, prayerful time and they walked away discovering a little more of God that some will cherish forever!
Camps are live on the site! You can sign up today!
Camp hosted two campfire nights and invited people from our community. We were able to serve several families and fellowship around a fire worshiping God.
-Camp has a Board of Directors to help in decisions and keep us on our mission to help children discover God and their gifts. The board added new members, worked on bylaw revisions, and a Camp handbook/Board manual.
-We are so grateful for them taking the time to reach our goals of being a year round resident camp.
-Board members: Dominick Austin, Travis Bolyard, Shawn Oltz, Martin Pedata (resigned), Chris Reynolds, Baylee Ruddell, and Rev. Ron Welsh (resigned)
A step in faith is changing our program days to Monday-Wednesday. Saturdays will be offered for specialty camps. These are partnerships with other ministries: improv, craft, survival, karate, craft, homestead the possibilities are endless! If you want to partner with us or have an idea, feel free to reach out!
We are also looking to schedule team building groups, because we believe that God made us all differently with special skills and abilities, we want to offer an opportunity to work on leadership, problem solving/creative thinking, communication and cooperation skills. We will have team creation, activities and questionnaires. It’ll run approximately 3 hours and cost $15 per person.
2024 Projects: Low Ropes construction, completion of driveway, renovations to Activity Barn, bridge/causeways on camp trails, preliminary work on bathhouse/pavilion.
We are excited to see how God uses our team to bless the community. Our very first fundraiser to celebrate and share gratitude to our local businesses. We have already heard amazing things from our team and some community members that have really appreciated our efforts.
If you would like to recommend a person or business send us information, would love to add them to the encouragement blast for next year!
-Intern for next year, pray that we can effectively equip her to help us plan events and future camps.
-Praying over our next year’s camp: activities, teachings, kids, parents, timing, staffing, and especially a musician! If you know some body, please connect us.
-Lastly, ongoing opportunities for teaching kids the truth of God’s Word and the gift of salvation.
For STUMPfest alone we had around 40 people help from manual labor to preparing and serving food to sponsoring the event.
Approximately 450 hours of volunteer time!
Other projects, events and our board, we have had around 20 people volunteering an additional 300 hours!
God has blessed us in our spending, receiving, our programming and other donations. Finances are significantly higher than any other year and our expenses are still within the budget we set! One example, is hiring an outside accountant firm for next year, Intertwine, they are a great fit that fits the budget.
We have a few people who donate every month and we are SO GRATEFUL for their faithfulness to give! We praise God for their hearts to serve and give. It is encouraging to see prayerful people respond to God.
If you have any questions, comments, concerns or cries of outrage let us know!
Thank you for taking time to keep updated with camp. We hope this letter brings you encouragement in how God is working here. This is His place, and He is working things out!
We wish your families a wonderful Thanksgiving and a Christ-centered Christmas!!
Our best,
The Welsh’s @ CORE 2:15
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